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Two farmworkers pick organic olives from their orchard ladders while two other harvesters work from below another olive tree. A car-sized blue tractor sits left of the olive grove. Wood chips cover the ground between the rows of Arbequina olive tress.
Olive Orchard
At night during harvest season, bright lights shine on the olive orchard, where workers continue picking Arbequina green olives.
Night Harvest
Mother sheep and her lamb graze together near the olive orchard.
Sheep and Lamb
Gold Award, New York International Olive Oil Competition (NYIOOC), 2019. The award is shown with gold and white lettering and two gold olive branches on a black background.
World Olive Oil Award Winner
Geoff, one of the founders of Showa Farm, walks in his olive orchard where crimson clover covers the ground between the green olive trees
Geoff Peters, CEO, on Crimson Clover between Olive Trees
Two goats stand on large horizontal branches of an old liveoak tree near the olive groves.
Two Goats in a Tree
Three barn owls look out from their plywood owl house.
Barn Owls
Our granddaughter and grandson pick green olives. A tall orchard ladder leans against the same Arbequina olive tree.
Grandchildren Help with the Harvest
Mother goat stands while baby goat nurses.
Mother and Child Goats
Round water tank next to pump house. The tank's exterior is weathered wood.
Water Storage
Six solar panels, part of the array which powers our olive farm operations, are mounted on short stands in a grassy field. Native manzanita bushes grow nearby.
Showa Farm Solar Panels
Showa  1min 2022
At Showa Farm
© Showa Farm 2022

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